Freedom Revolution 'Our troops are fighting with the enemy.The government in its place.' Independent nation 'There are people who think these are idle words. He died for these.' 'Are you so fear of them?' 'He couldn't stand to see that outlander tanks are treading his country.' 'That was a political demonstration.' 'He didn't confer with traitors.' 'We are talking about 1956!!! I deny to answer to this question!' 'He didn't ask mercy.' 'Do you declare yourself to be guilty? No, I don't.' 'I'm filled with loathing to think that someday those people will rehabilitate me who hang up me.'
V dolinách – kvitne kvet, ktorý lásku nám dáva jeho jas v tmavom ráne vždy svieti ako brieždenie V dolinách – lesný med vonia viac ako tráva na svahoch túlia sa ovčie stáda V domoch pieseň znie
V dolinách – Človek sám svoju prírodu chráni Každý strom, každá lúka na stráni je náš vzácny liek V dolinách – ľudia nemajú zamknuté brány Majú tam srdcia čisté a vľúdne ako prúdy riek
Je to kraj kde prísne štíty hôr Tichodolín múdro strážia Pokým slnka lúč zazvoní na jarné zvonceHovčích stád Je to kraj kde ráno vstáva skôr Kde sa drevo z hory tíško zváža Je to Slovensko čarovné hrdé Mám ho rád
V dolinách – kvitne kvet, ktorý lásku nám dáva jeho jas v tmavom ráne vždy svieti ako brieždenie V dolinách – lesný med vonia viac ako tráva na svahoch túlia sa ovčie stáda V domoch pieseň znie
V dolinách – Človek sám svoju prírodu chráni Každý strom, každá lúka na stráni je náš vzácny liek V dolinách – ľudia nemajú zamknuté brány Majú tam srdcia čisté a vľúdne ako prúdy riek
ROY éS ÁDáM AZ OTTHON ITT VAN Ha itt maradnál, nem indulnék még én sem, Ha nem indulnál, nem lenne érkezésem... Hová is mennék, hová is lennék egyedül én? Nélküled nem kell útlevél.
Az otthon ott volt ahol bejártunk mindent százezerszer már... s apánkat kértük, hogy vegyen fel most az egyszer, mert magasról más lesz a táj.
Az otthon itt van, ha jössz mellettem, Még ha nem is nézel rám. Tudod, már régen észre vettem, hogy szemedben én hazáig látok simán, ellátok simán. Rád nézek néha némán, s az otthon visszanéz rám.
Az otthon ott lesz ahol megállunk, Ki régen felvett rég nincs már. Magunkban súgjuk csak tegyél le, mert ma végre megtaláltuk, más lett a táj...
Egy szívhez szalad sok kis ér, sok szivet hajt egy cseppnyi vér S ha messze lennél... Oh Oh Elég lesz mindig négy liter, hazáig elmész ennyivel, ha menni kell, de most jönnöd kell...
Az otthon ott van ameddig ellát vak sötétben két szemünk. Vak lovak vagyunk az éjben nincsen út és nincs kötél sem, de mi el mégsem tévedünk.
Hazajár minden emlék haza száll... Hazavág mindent ez a laza szám... Hazajár, minden emlék haza száll... Hazavág mindent ez a laza szám...
Egy szívhez szalad sok kis ér, sok szívet hajt egy cseppnyi vér, S ha messze lennél... Oh Oh Elég lesz mindig négy liter, hazáig elmész ennyivel, ha menni kell, de most jönnöd kell, hazaértünk hidd el. November 17, 1981 - I felt it. Although I was too young to understand, but I definitely noticed that something BIG was happening. I also notice what is going on now. Only a total ignorant doesn't notice watershed moments, November 17 was one of them.
I want to thank to all those that had a courage to stand up, back than, and to all those that are willing to stand up for the freedom and values now: Thank you!
One of the worst feelings is helplessness. I think many have pondered upon it. It is one of the worst feelings, leading to violence, rage, and radicalization...
There is no weather, no seasons. There is only (rarely) normal or bad weather, there is never nice weather. It always rains, the sky is grey, air is dirty and polluted. There are no 'normal' people. Too many bumps, and eurocrats. The city has no 'genius loci' it is soul-less, spirit-less. Its simply dead. It has the worst service-culture I have ever experienced. Nobody cares and nobody really works. Everybody always protest against something, but nobody does anything to improve the situation.
Človek, povedz načo sú ti nohy, keď nemôžeš újsť pred svetom, ktorý ťa núti vopchať si prsty do úst
Hu)man, tell (me) what do you have feet for, if you cannot run away from the world that makes you put your fingers down your throat
Nedá sa újsť, pred svetom neutečieš. Nedá sa újsť, a ty neutečieš tiež. Nedá sa újsť, veď svet to si aj ty sám. Nedá sa újsť, pred sebou samým niet kam.
One cannot run away, you won't run away from the world one cannot run away, and you won't run away either one cannot run away, because you, yourself are part of the world one cannot run away, there is no place you could run from yourself
Človek, človek ty si zvláštny, či máš -dsať, alebo -násť Darmo sa skrývaš do básni, svet si ťa stále vie nájsť
(Hu)man, (Hu)man, you are peculiar, whether you are -ty or -teen in vain you are hiding in poetry the world can always find you
Nedá sa újsť, pred svetom neutečieš. Nedá sa újsť, a ty neutečieš tiež Nedá sa újsť, veď svet to si aj ty sám. Nedá sa újsť, pred sebou samým niet kam.
One cannot run away, you won't run away from the world one cannot run away, and you won't run away either one cannot run away, because you, yourself are part of the world one cannot run away, there is no place you could run from yourself
Tisíc rokov dozadu tu boli Maďari Mali nás za debilov, boli sme posraní Rakúsko-uhorský štát
A po chvíli ČSR prihlásil sa Tiso Chcel nás učiť hajlovať, len aby sa blysol, Fašistický štát
Stojíme na prahu do novej Európy Očistime si nohy a vystrime ruky Hlboký nádych lezieme zas do inej Ani do nemeckej, maďarskej či ruskej, Lezieme do riti originál európskej Hoďte nám kosti, my budeme povďační.
V štyridsiatom ôsmom to Gottwald roztočil Na desiatky rokov na nás hviezdu pritlačil Komunistický štát.
Čo sa stihlo postaviť, stihlo sa aj rozdať, Syn národa Vladimír stihol túto hru dohrať Rozkradnutý štát.
Stojíme na prahu do novej Európy Očistime si nohy a vystrime ruky Hlboký nádych lezieme zas do inej Ani do nemeckej, maďarskej či ruskej, Lezieme do riti originál európskej Hoďte nám kosti, my budeme povďační.
Nebolo by dvojičiek, nebolo by únie, Mocnosti sa posrali, zrazu to už pôjde Európsky štát.
Raz do riti jednému a raz druhému, To sa nikdy nezmení, nečakaj zmenu, Malý posraný štát.
I'm Feelin rough I'm Feelin raw I'm in the prime of my life. Let's make some music make some money find some models for wives. I'll move to Paris, shoot some heroin and fuck with the stars. You man the island and the cocaine and the elegant cars.
This is our decision to live fast and die young. We've got the vision, now let's have some fun. Yeah it's overwhelming, but what else can we do? Get jobs in offices and wake up for the morning commute?
Forget about our mothers and our friends. We were fated to pretend.
I'll miss the playgrounds and the animals and digging up worms. I'll miss the comfort of my mother and the weight of the world. I'll miss my sister, miss my father, miss my dog and my home. Yeah I'll miss the boredom and the freedom and the time spent alone.
But there is really nothing, nothing we can do. Love must be forgotten. Life can always start up anew. The models will have children, we'll get a divorce, we'll find some more models, Everything must run its course.
We'll choke on our vomit and that will be the end. We were fated to pretend.
"Ideální muž je nebezpečný mýtus, je to virus napadajíci ženskou racionalitu. Pokud ovšem něco takového jako ženská racionalita vůbec existuje" - Román pro ženy
"Ideal man is a dnagerous myth, its a virus attacking female rationality. As long as such a thing as female rationality exists at all." - Novel for women
je to jak nic, to totiž neváží víc je to něco jak dech, jak přání na křídlech je to nemožnej cíl kterej si vymyslil je to jak sen co ráno rozpustil den nic není dost velkej cíl aby ses nepokusil volej k nebi přání a všechno bude k mání
touha je zázrak, kamo zázrak touha je zázrak, kamo zázrak
je to jak žár, pořádně velikej dar je to jak letící drak naprosto přesnej prak je to hukot moře je to pramen v hoře
touha je žít zůstat a neodejít touha je padnout a vstát a rány nevnímat je to tlukot srdce, je to poklad v ruce je to jak třpit jako sluneční svit úžasná mesíční zář je to jak boží tvář je to skrytá síla je to zlatá žíla
touha je zázrak takže přej si co chceš probouzej sílu s ni už neklopýtneš touha jsou čáry v hlouby duše je máš
touha je zázrak, kámo zázrak
vždyť už to znáš touha je krám kde maji všechno a hned hladina páli i ten pitomej svět touha je brana ke všemu o čem si snil touha je cesta i cíl
touha je zázrak, kamo zázrak touha je zázrak, kamo zázrak touha je zázrak, kamo zázrak
Bratříčku nevzlykej to nejsou bubáci vždyť už jsi velikej to jsou jen vojáci přijeli v hranatých železných maringotkách
Se slzou na víčku hledíme na sebe: Buď se mnou bratříčku bojím se o tebe na cestách klikatých bratříčku v polobotkách
Prší a venku se setmělo tato noc nebude krátká Beránka vlku se zachtělo Bratříčku - zavřel jsi vrátka?
Bratríčku nevzlykej neplýtvej slzami nadávky polykej a šetři silami Nesmíš mi vyčítat jestliže nedojdeme Nauč se písničku není tak složitá opři se bratříčku cesta je rozbitá Budeme klopýtat zpátky už nemůžeme
Prší a venku se setmělo tato noc nebude kratká Beránka vlku se zachtělo Bratříčku - zavírej vrátka!
I am young. I do not remember much from the pre-revolution past. I remember when my father took me as a young boy into a dark room, and hidden under a blanket we listened to the Radio Free Europe's broadcasts. I was too young to understand. I remember, my parents told me not to tell anyone what I think, I remember being carefully rebuked by my parents when watching sports competition and cheering for the USSR sportspeople I proclaimed the phrase taught at school "they are our brothers." I was too young to understand.
Now I live in a different country, I have traveled a bit. I listen to any radio I want, I write my thoughts on-line for everyone to see. I publish what I believe to be true, I do not have to censor my own thoughts. I can read any book I want.
I am sad reading the current news, and discussing it with some of my colleagues, who were born behind the iron curtain - in the free west. They think that the eastern Europeans are being paranoid and are making up the cold war ghosts.
But I cannot forget the reasons why my childhood was living in fear, why saying what you though was not advised, why elderly in the whole society are still crippled by fear. When I was a teenager, and studied history, with my classmates we discussed how the world could have been, had the U.S. Army progressed from Pilsen to Prague, had somebody came to help our neighbors in Budapest in 1956, or even us in 1968. Nobody did, and we had to wait for the evil empire to implode and collapse. But it's not the end of history:
In October 1956, Soviet troops occupied Hungary and its capital city of Budapest. Nobody helped Hungary.
In August 1968, Soviet troops occupied Czechoslovakia and its capital city of Prague. Nobody helped Czechoslovakia.
In August 2008, Russian troops occupy Georgian territory, and U.S. Secretary of State Rice said that “This is not 1968 and the invasion of Czechoslovakia, where Russian tanks threatened its neighbors, occupying the capital, overthrow the government and get away with it; things have changed.”
How much have the things changed? How much do we value freedom? Are we willing to help others when their freedom is being compromised? Or its only about money and power?
Hungary, Olympics, 1956:
Czechoslovakia, Olympics 1968:
Georgia, Olypics 2008: ???
If you don't stand up for somebody, when their freedom is being compromised. Who will stand up for you?
He would like to go home. But he is not sure where that is. Traveled the world, lived at places, he knows how people live at various locations. But he doesn't belong anywhere anymore. An 'affluent' homeless, lost in the world. Desperate, eager to hide somewhere safe. Anywhere is nowhere and nowhere is everywhere. Where to go, if he doesn't belong anywhere, anymore. Knowledge is pain, awareness is suffering.
Natwest, Barclays, Midlands, Lloyds. Use a bank? I'd rather die.
I loved to draw when I was a little girl It helped me see the world as I wanted it to be
Sometimes I walk home through a network of car parks Just because i can
I love the feeling of being slightly lost To find new spaces, new routes, new areas
I love the lack of logic
I love the feeling of being slightly lost
I belive that music in the long run can straighten out most things There are too many bands that act lame Sound tame I believe In Electrelane
Over here it's new, it's now, it's you, it's clean The beard and lipstick scene So look beyond Big brother, gossip culture, So bored of stupidity The myth of common sense
I believe in Donovan over Dylan In love over cynicism
Oh, ??????????
Finisterre, to tear it down and start again (x3) Think about the love back in Finisterre
Five miles north is a town of silver birches Twenty-seven chuches A look of horror if you drop an H Around here its hoods up and heads down
Got it the wrong way around When things get turned around I slow down Dream about the notion of the perfect city Imagine the 19th century never happened Just a straight run from Beau Brummell to Bauhaus Dreams never end This house believes in skyscrapers
Chorus (x5): Finisterre, to tear it down and start again Think about the love back in Finisterre
Hello. Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone home
've become so numb i can't feel you there become so tired so much more aware i'm becoming this all i want to do is be more like me and be less like you
Distant ship smoke on a horizon...
When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse, Out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look but it was gone. I cannot put my finger on it now. The child is grown, the dream is gone. I have become comfortably numb.
You cannot create democracy by increasing the powers of the European Parliament. Just like you cannot create a green meadows by pouring more water on a concrete parking lot.
"Taken separately, each of Frattini's ideas serves a defensible purpose: the obligation of government to protect its citizens from harm.
Yet once this multitude of external border-related databases and surveillance capabilities is in place, the risk of an emergent Big Brother society will rise from a near-irresistible temptation to link them to internal pan-EU security and law enforcement databases."
Pay as you go pension scheme (PAYG) in the conditions of current demographic development in Europe is a giant pyramid game. Europe may want to try to get out of it by importing new entrants into the game from outside the bloc.
Our civilization has become more risk averse and less discomfort tolerant. The value of liberty has decreased.
We want to treat all symptoms of any discomfort. We want to feel good. We want to enjoy. Nobody is willing to take responsibility. We want to live easy, secure lives. Even at the cost of our own freedoms.
Over a EUR5 pint of beer in a relaxed mood pondering the questions of future, morality, justice, and freedom I was told that I have been a legend. Its interesting to learn that one is, or had been a legend.
I was always wondering how does it feel to be a legend. I always thought that I cannot find this out, since you have to be a legend and you have to know that you are a legend to feel how is it to be one.
Okay, so I am a legend.
So what does it mean that one is a legend? It means that one is perceived as a role-model? As an example that other's look to for inspiration? It means that one is a source of motivation? It means that if those that get inspired achieve things that one had achieved, they acclaim that "Now I am good, since I have achieved what The Legend has!" It means that Legend is used as a sort of standard of excellence against which to measure one's success?
Does it also means that one has to live their life in a certain (exemplary) way?
In this respect I have come to think of talents in the parable mentioned by Evangelist Matthew. (Matthew 25:14-30)
And the fear that I have is that of ending up as the last servant who dug a hole and hid the talents entrusted to him. I often feel the desire to hide, live a life of a shepherd, and not to be responsible for society. But then I remember this type of parable and the message embedded in it, and I see that I cannot just hide.
So what can one do?
Get up every morning and fight your way through the day. You may be a legend, you just don't know it yet. So don't disappoint those that trust in you, they follow your story.
I don't care if Monday's blue Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too Thursday I don't care about you It's Friday I'm in love Monday you can fall apart Tuesday Wednesday break my heart Or, Thursday doesn't even start It's Friday I'm in love Saturday wait And Sunday always comes too late But Friday never hesitate... I don't care if Mondays black Tuesday Wednesday heart attack Thursday never looking back It's Friday I'm in love Monday you can hold your head Tuesday Wednesday stay in bed Or Thursday watch the walls instead It's Friday I'm in love Saturday wait And Sunday always comes too late But Friday never hesitate... Dressed up to the eyes It's a wonderful surprise To see your shoes and your spirits rise Throwing out your frown And just smiling at the sound And as sleek as a shriek Spinning round and round Always take a big bite It's such a gorgeous sight To see you eat in the middle of the night You can never get enough Enough of this stuff It's Friday I'm in love I don't care if Monday's blue Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too Thursday I don't care about you It's Friday I'm in love Monday you can fall apart Tuesday Wednesday break my heart Thursday doesn't even start It's Friday I'm in love