Tuesday, December 13, 2005


"One all one, the only way is one....

I feel angry I feel helpless
Want to change the world, yeah
I feel violent I feel alone
Don't try and change my mind"

Prazdno, nic viac, len prazdno, s poznanim sa stupnuje prazdno.
Kvantita nenahradi prazdno. Poznanie straca zmysel. Nepochopenie, prazdno. Nezmyselnost snahy. Nezmyselnost snahy, zotrvacnost. Bez vyznamu. Len smrt, je jedinou istotou na ktoru sa este da spolahnut.

Vykrik v prazdnote. Rev ticha ma tlaci k zemi. Zijem len vlastnym klamom a vlasnym umieranim.

Isota nicoty, namiesto neistoty buducnosti.


Vsetko nie je dost. Chcelo by to este trosku. Neistota pre buducnost. Buducnost pre Buducnost. Strata. Nechut hladat nieco nove.
Prazdno v srdci.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Tak som sa zase napalil....

toto je webstranka mojej stredoskolskej alma mater.... toto je http://www.unique.host.sk/egt/eng/f0501.php neoficialna verzia tej istej stranky....

Nechapem, ako je mozne ze institucia, ktora mala kedysi aspon nejaku uroven padla az tak hlboko. Ved keby som uvidel tu webstranku tak tam nepojdem len kvoli tomu, ze by som sa obaval. Ze mi znicia vkus. Ta webstranka je hnusna, farebne nevyvazena, neprehladna, a jednoducho neprijemna na citanie 9nie kvoli obsahu, totiz forma akykolvek obsah ucinne zabije).

Je to design ako keby to robilo dieta ktore ma 3 roky a v materskej skolke mu dali prvykrat farbicky, tak maluje a nerozmysla...

Je tak tazke pozriet sa na to ako sa robia informacne stranky? Alebo je to skola, ktora je zahladena do seba a nehlada excellenciu v porovnani s porovnatelnym ale tvari sa ako majster sveta v Tisovci?

Jeden by povedal, ze je to blbost, ze ma to tak rozohnilo... ale stve ma ak sa nic nedeje, ak neexistuje vyvoj dopredu.

No, stacilo idem sa venovat buducnosti.

Sunday, May 29, 2005


I just HATE free-riders. Those ones, that act as pests, parasiting on the system, those ones that are abusing the system and not producing anything, I just hate them. They are living without a purpose - awaiting a chance and rinding on it as if it was a wave in the ocean. Creating multitude of problems and consequently leaving them for others to solve.

The world would be so much nicer without those free-riders.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

pain Posted by Hello


Its exam time. Wonderfull, but the thing about exams is, that not your knowledge is tested, but your ability to fulfill all the administrative procedures.
For example you are supposed to write a paper on a pass/fail basis, for which you get a credit. This is proven by a signature in a small book - your student record (called index) by the teacher. At the end of your study you hand in the index, with all the necessary signatures, but what do you do when you are missing your last signature and the teacher that is supposed to sign it is away from the country, and intends to come back after the deadline in which you have to hand in the index? Well, this is the art of university education, you have to master this nuances, knowledge comes later... if it ever comes. You are a university graduate - that means you are able to pass by various administrative hindrances, and you might also know some stuff about the major you studies... But that is not that important after all.