Saturday, March 24, 2007

Monday, March 19, 2007

What do we know that we know that we can know?

As we know,
There are known knowns.
There are things we know we know.
We also know
There are known unknowns.
That is to say
We know there are some things
We do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns,
The ones we don't know
We don't know.

D. Rumsfeld, February 12, 2002, Department of Defense news briefing

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Pre brunetku

Pre brunetku

niekedy v roku 2002

Čas – čakanie na zázrak?
či na vhodný moment?
Keď všetky hviezdy na nebi budú spievať farbami...
pre naše šťastie?
Život je krásny, ak sa naň pozeráš s láskou v očiach.
Aj to čo nebolo, zrazu je krásne.
Pokoj žiari ako najjasnejšie ráno,
keď rosa zjavila sa na sedmokráskach
a slnečnice žmurkajú v prebúdzaní
obrovskými, žltými mihalnicami.

Zázraky sú všade vôkol,
len ich treba priehršťami

Hľadám sa.
Nachádzam svet,
ktorý úsmevom si musím
do ružová prifarbiť.
Inak pohľad bolí...
...bez smiechu v očiach.

Hľadám sa.
Nachádzam nádherné kvieťa.
V osamelosti hľadám;
zjašený behám,
hltám vône sveta.
Zaľúbený, s rumencom líc,
že triezvosť daroval som...
...slnku v rannej rose rozkvitnutých lupeňov.

Zmätený a zneistený.
Dieťa kráčajúce prvýkrát...
a bojím sa dotknúť nádhery.
Chcem takto zostať,
veď čas deťom neplynie...

Detská ruka na lupeni kvetu,
úsmev na tvári a srdce na dlani.

Kráčajú spolu v hľadaní seba –
svojho večného šťastia...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Don't hold back

don't hold back...
cause you woke up in the mornin, with initiative to move, so why make it harder...
don't hold back...
if you think about it, so many people do, be cool man, look smarter....
don't hold back...
and you shouldnt even care, bout those losers in the air, and their crooked stares...
don't hold back...
cause there's a party over here, so you might as well be here, where the people care...
don't hold back...

dont hold back...
if you think about it too much, you may stumble, trip up, fall on your face...
dont hold back...
you think its time you get up, crunch time, like a sit up, come on keep pace...
dont hold back...
put apprehension on the back burner, let it sit, dont even get it lit...
dont hold back...
get involved with the jam, don't be a prick, hot chick, be a dick....
dont hold back...
[Chemical Bros = Galvanize]

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Run away from all your boredom

All it takes is one decision
A lot of guts, a little vision...

Friday, March 09, 2007

Grow up

"She'll only break your heart; it's a fact, and even though I warn you, even though I guarantee you that the girl will only hurt you terribly, you'll still pursue her. Ain't love grand?" Nora Dinsmoor

"Seven Years passed, I stopped going to Paradiso Perduto, I stopped painting. I put aside the fantasy and the wealthy, and the heavenly girl who did not want me. None of it would happen to me again. I'd seen through it. I elected to grow up."
Finnegan 'Finn' Bell

I did it! I did it! I am a wild success! I sold 'em all, all my paintings. You don't have to be embarrassed by me anymore, I'm rich! Isn't that what you wanted, aren't we happy now. Don't you understand, that everything I do, I do it for you. Anything, that might be special in me, is you. " Finnegan 'Finn' Bell

"Don't you know me at all?. She did know me. And I knew her. I always had. From the first instant. The rest of it. It didn't matter. It was past. It was as if it had never been. There was just my memory of it."

Ain't love grand?

"She'll only break your heart; it's a fact, and even though I warn you, even though I guarantee you that the girl will only hurt you terribly, you'll still pursue her. Ain't love grand?" Nora Dinsmoor [Great Expectations, 1998]

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

What do you want from life?

"Madame de Gaulle was asked after the death of her husband General de Gaulle what she wanted most during the rest of her life. She was asked the question by an English reporter, and so she gave the answer in English: "Happyness". Unfortunately her English accent was rather fractured, and so the assembled throng grasped at what seemed to be remarkable Gallic frankness of what she had just said. Since she failed to pronounce the "h", she appeared to be referring in unambiguous terms to the most distinctive and celebrated part of the male anatomy."

Michael W. Eysenck. Happiness: Facts and Myths. Psychology Press (UK). 1990 p. 1.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Permanent happiness is biologically unattainable

"The brain has evolved a truly vicious set of negative feedback mechanisms.
Their functional effect is to stop us from being truly happy for long.
Nature is cruelly parsimonious with pleasure"[]
"The night all of my dreams came true, and like all happy endings, it was a tragedy of my device, for I succeeded. I had cut myself loose from Joe, from the past, from the gulf, from poverty. I had invented myself. I'd done it cruelly, but I had done it. I was free!" Finnegan 'Finn' Bell [The Great Expecations]