Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Cannot find server

I was just thinking about the relations, as I was baking this carrot cake, this time actually with baking powder, so it tastes good, well I was thinking that I am developing much worse attitude towards relationships each time one of my relationships breaks.

I was thinking that maybe if I stayed with the first girl I fell in love with I would be faithful to her. Well, looking back at my relatioships, I think that each time my love is refused I get this impresion that it is not worth engaging in a lasting relationship.

But than on the other hand, I cannot only blame women, I mean, it is a question of egg and chicken, because due to the burn in relationship I dont take each relationship equally serious and than I cause the burn for somebody else. And here we come to my long advertise wish, I wish I had been female. I mean I am completelly comfortable being male, but I just admire females. I think I have this impression that females wouldnt do that kind of bad things as we males are able.

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