Monday, June 14, 2004


Reading the myriads of lines on the web and the megabites of published blogs, which are growing every day, I have a feeling that we are crying for help.

I think that our civilization has a serious problem.

Or maybe it is only my problem. Well, I know that I do have a problem, but I mean honestly who doesnt? Well I dont know what to do. I feel just completely out of place in a sense, I have a feeling that my life is going to end soon and the question posed is, what did I do? What is it going to stay here after me? Well, I dont know if this is normal, but, ya know, being in my early twenties, I should be experiencing midlife crisis. I am scared of future, scared of life, occasionally scared of people. But what if? And to realize that not every Why has its nothing I would celebrate... well often I would like to become ignorant in a sense of ignorance is bliss, I dont worry about the environment anymore, I dont care about the world so much anymore, I mean it is out there and it doesnt care about me anyways so why should I care about it?

My religious background is somewhere back in the upper room, and I just cannot get back, as I have the feeling that guilt will NOT help, and even though some eternal or perfectly just entity might be there, I have a feeling I am here just on my own... and have to fight my way through. But in between the battles, I have an urge to ask, what will be after I win the war?

The damn old question I used to ask even at SBS is still unanswered. I mean Dean told me that the reason why live our lives can be to serve other people. But why? Because of some divine love? I just dont know. I want to be happy, but than I realize that happiness cannot be properly experienced without the pain. And that in order to appreciate the good I have to experience evil. That is actually the reason for the evil in the world. I guess it would be a boring world. But at least I think I want to create this nice boring world for those around me. Give love to limited number of those around me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

true true ... BUT what IF there really is such a thing as divine love? what IF there's GOD? and what if we're all just insane?

OK, so IF God created and filled us with divine love, then why all the evil that is all around us? People being jealous, crazy, selfish, not honest, killing and fighting, cursing, and ...

It's the world we see all around us every single day, unfortunately. Even though we're in 21st century, living in, so called, 'civilized world' it looks like we're not much better than people living 1000 years ago. So where are we heading? Will this technology that is pretty soon gonna affect just about every single thing we do make this a better place to live?

I wish so, but it doesn't seem much probable to me. We'll always be faced with new challanges. It's the price we have to pay for "evolution" in all areas of life/science.

OK, so let's now imagine that you can beam yourself to year 2304 and live it for 1 day. Would you want to go back? Probably yeah, cause just about everything [maybe except humans themselves .. I said Maybe] will be different. New world problems, new socio/economic problems, new diseases. Imagine these androids, as from those sci-fi movies, leading the quest to explore the XYZ quadrant of yet to be discovered universe. Imagine the world of no freaken stupid cancer. Imagine going to the mall to the "mind and body shop" where you'll find a row of shelves for males, 33 years old, blue eyes, 190 pounds, and purchase yourself a pair of new eyes for ONLY $9.99 ... How about that??

And the, 24 hours will be over and you'll have to come back to 2004. It'll look like a medieval age to you. You'll gain a totally different perspective, what unimaginable possibilities and unexplored worlds do we live in right now. Sometimes when I think of this, it seems kinda ridiculous. So why not do something out of ordinary, something that noobody has done. You'll say, yeah right, like that's gonna happen .. But it just might happen when you wake up on Sunday morning, and you'll have this grand idea that will blow your mind away. If you're reasonably intelligent, and if the idea totally blows your mind away .. go and live it, pursue it, so that you'll not be just a drop in the ocean, but so that you might as well become the ocean

good, that felt good,
you should do it also, don't just read, but get off your comfortable chair, wipe off your butt, and do something that will still be here, in some form, in 2304

happy blogging,